Internal Audit Function

The objective of the Internal Audit Division is to provide independent and objective assurance and advisory services to the Board and Management on risk management, internal control and governance. The Division also oversees and audits the MRA Quality Management System.

Internal Audit adds value and improves operations of the MRA by systematically evaluating and recommending improvement and implementation of best practices.

In line with the Internal Audit Charter, the Internal Audit Division has full, free and unrestricted access to all functions, records, property and personnel of the organization, pertinent to carrying out any engagement.

The Division is headed by a Director who reports administratively to the Director-General and functionally to the Audit and Oversight/Risk Management Committee.

Key members of Internal Audit function are holders of relevant and diverse qualifications, which include amongst others FCCA, MBA, Masters in IT & IT Security, CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CISA (Certified Information System Auditor), Postgraduate in Corruption Studies and ISO 9001 Lead Auditor.

The Internal Audit Team consists of 19 officers (1 Section Head, 4 Team Leaders, 8 Technical Officers and 6 Officers) and the Division is structured as follows:



The Global Guidance Setting Body

In 2022, in line with IIA requirement, the Division has undergone an External Quality Assessment (EQA). The assessment concluded that the Internal Audit function conforms to the IIA Standards and the Code of Ethics. This conformance remains valid for a period of five years.

The above assessment adds to the credibility and professionalism of MRA’s Internal Audit function.

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