IMO - FAL (International Maritime Organisation - Facilitation)

The IMO concept is a set of directives which simplifies maritime transport by standardising certain basic reporting formalities that ships have to fulfil when arriving in and/or departing from ports. 

Since July 2023, The Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA) has digitalized the vessel clearance process through the introduction of the Vessel Clearance System whereby the agent can submit all the IMO FAL forms, Certificates and other required documents pertaining to arrival, inspection and departure of vessel in Port Louis Harbour.

Refer to Protocol for entry and departure of Vessel in Port Louis available on the MPA website on the following link


The IMO FAL (International Maritime Organisation’s Facilitation) forms can be listed as follows:


    • Form 1 (general declaration)

    • Form 2 (cargo Declaration)

    • Form 3 (ship’s stores declaration)

    • Form 4 (crew’s effects declaration)

    • Form 5 (crew list)

    • Form 6 (passenger list)

    • Form 7 (dangerous cargo manifest)

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