Electronic Filing of Objection

MRA is providing a facility to submit a Notice of Objection electronically.

You may also refer to Guidelines for Objection.

General Information for Electronic Filing of Objection and Payment:

To use the efiling facility, you must have Adobe Reader version 8.0 (or above) or click here to download.

You are strongly recommended to use Internet Explorer 6.0 or above

In case of browser issue, click here

In case you have submitted an objection electronically and wish to amend your objection, please submit an objection form downloadable from our website or available at MRA service counter, Ehram Court.




  1. Filing of Objection
    1. Enter your TAN and Assessment Number / Case Number or Refund Number / Document Number, click on "OK".


    2. Your TAN and Name will automatically appear on the Objection form. In case there are changes in your personal data, kindly fill in a "Personal Data change Form" available here or MRA Service Counter and send it to MRA.


    3. Ensure that you have all the required information before you begin. While filling the Objection, please insert a valid e-mail address in order to obtain an acknowledgment confirming that your Objection has been received by MRA for further processing.


    4. Returns of income, statement of income or other documents can be attached electronically to the Objection form.


    5. If you wish to print a copy of your Objection, please do so before you submit the objection online.


    6. After submission, you may print the acknowledgement confirmation for recording purposes.


  2. Mode of Payment
    1. Cash / Cheque

      Payment may be made by cash or cheque at MRA cash counters, Ehram Court, Port Louis, from Monday to Friday (09.00 hrs to 15.30 hrs). A copy of the Notice of Objection should be produced while effecting payment.

      Cheques should be drawn to the order of the Director-General MRA crossed 'MRA A/c' or 'Account Payee Only' may be sent by post. The Tax Account Number (TAN), the name of the Entity and the Assessment No. should be written on the verso of the cheque.


    2. Mobile (SMS)

      Payment may be effected electronically through SMS using Orange Money Service.


  3. Support Services

    For further information, you may call at the Customer Service Desks, Ground Floor, MRA Headquarters, Ehram Court, Corner Mgr Gonin & Sir Virgil Naz Streets, Port Louis or call MRA Help Desk on 207 6000.

    You may also call at the OADR Department, Level 6, Belfort Tower, Cnr Dauphine & Joseph Rivière Streets, Port Louis or call us on 207 5000.

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