Camp Charlot Draupadreeamen Temple
Candos Hospital Welfare Association
Caritas Ile Maurice (Previously known as Roman Catholic Diocese of Port Louis Caritas)
Castel Muslim Madrassa
Cays Benevolent Society
Centre Culturel d'Expression Francaise
Centre d'Accueil de Terre Rouge
Centre de Solidarité – Projet Homme
Centre d'Education et de Developpement pour les Enfants Mauriciens
Centre des Dames Mourides
Centre Documentation sur l'Islam
Centre for Natural Healing and Meditation (Previously Known as "Reiki Foundation")
Centre Islamique de Maurice
Century Welfare Association
Cercle des Dames Mourides
Chambre de Commerce et D'Industrie France - Maurice
Chamouny Marathi Vishwanath Mandir
Chamouny Mariamen Kovil Tamil Sangam
- Chamber of Commerce for Human Integral Development (CCHID) & Co Ltd
Chemin Grenier Mariamen Kovil Tamize Kazagam
Chemin Rail & Amaury Housing Co Ltd
Cheong Shu Li Kwan Association
Cheshire Home
Child Evangelism Fellowship