Tax Clearance Certificate
(Directive No 33 - Section 7(b) of the Public Procurement Act 2006)
- General Information
In accordance with the above directive issued on 01 November 2016, Public Bodies are required, prior to award of a contract of a value of Rs 5 million and above, to request the lowest substantially responsive bidder to submit a Tax Clearance Certificate from the MRA within a period of one week.
Public Body means any Ministry or other agency of the Government and includes any local authority, parastatal body and such other bodies specified in the Schedule to the Public Procurement Act 2006.
- e-Application for Tax Clearance Certificate
MRA has put in place a system for responsive bidders, on receipt of a letter from a Public Body requesting for a Tax Clearance Certificate from MRA, to apply for the Tax Clearance Certificate electronically, using the reference specified in the letter.
Click here to apply for Tax Clearance Certificate from MRA
- e-Facility for Public Bodies to verify authenticity of Tax Clearance Certificates issued by MRA
MRA has also put in place a system to enable Public Bodies to verify the authenticity of Tax Clearance Certificates issued by MRA. To access the system, Public Bodies are required to use the Certificate Number shown on the Tax Clearance Certificate issued. The name and Business Registration Number (BRN) of the bidder as well as the date and Certificate Number of the Tax Clearance Certificate will be displayed.
Click here to verify Tax Clearance Certificates issued by MRA
(Applicable to Public Bodies) - Support Services
For further information or clarification, call us on MRA Help Desk 207 6000.